Tagged with Canada


We’re visiting the grandparents in 23 days (in Illinois – worth revising traveling arrangements with toddlers). We’re visiting the grandparents for two whole weeks! Brace yourself, Mrs. Hillman! Breathe. I count the days to the visit but I will carve the days on my wrist until we leave. Visiting the grandparents – they may as … Continue reading


This post is not specifically about cultures. Rather, about an argument I recently encountered on the subject. I asked a guy what the current minister for culture in Malta does about the country’s cultural development considering that he also runs the ministry for tourism and besides other little things like, hm, his family. The person … Continue reading


Rhetorical question: why do churches have the best property locations (and views)? Wherever I’ve been, from St. Patrick’s Cathedral on 5th avenue in New York city to the Basilica church of Heliopolis and St. Mark’s church in Cairo, to the 359 Catholic churches in Malta (not that I’ve visited them all but after the first … Continue reading